Interesant courses were organized by the LFA and held at the UMSA campus of Cota Cota by the end of 2012:
Aerosol Chemistry, given by Paolo Laj, PhD., a recongized expert in the aerosol science field, experienced in different sampling environmnents, from the french lowlands to the nepalian highlands and current director of the LGGE of Grenoble (20th to the 23rd of November).
Atmospheric Aerosol Teledetection, an extensive course lasting from the 29th of November to the 5th of December, was given by the young researcher Daniel Perez, PhD. from the University of Granada (now at the Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA, USA).
On 7th December, David Whiteman, PhD. (Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA, USA) delighted us with an unforgettable seminar about the history of LIDAR systems. M. Whiteman shares his vast experience working on LIDAR instruments with the LFA by acting as the prime mover of the installation of a LIDAR system at the campus of Cota Cota.
Aerosol Chemistry, given by Paolo Laj, PhD., a recongized expert in the aerosol science field, experienced in different sampling environmnents, from the french lowlands to the nepalian highlands and current director of the LGGE of Grenoble (20th to the 23rd of November).
Atmospheric Aerosol Teledetection, an extensive course lasting from the 29th of November to the 5th of December, was given by the young researcher Daniel Perez, PhD. from the University of Granada (now at the Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA, USA).
On 7th December, David Whiteman, PhD. (Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA, USA) delighted us with an unforgettable seminar about the history of LIDAR systems. M. Whiteman shares his vast experience working on LIDAR instruments with the LFA by acting as the prime mover of the installation of a LIDAR system at the campus of Cota Cota.